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Commerce Media: A Buyer's Guide

Published August 3, 2023 by Koddi Team

The commerce media industry is rapidly growing and quickly becoming the next big advertising channel. To help publishers maximize their commerce media investment and choose the right partner, the experts at Koddi created Commerce Media: A Buyer’s Guide. This buyer’s guide is a deep dive into choosing the right commerce media partner with confidence, including: 

  • Master the 5 steps for choosing the right partner
  • Understand the 5 criteria for evaluating potential partners
  • Gain insights into the right questions to ask during partner evaluation
  • Plus, a free downloadable RFP template to use

Here’s a sample of what publishers and retailers will find inside. 

Step #1: Identify Program Goals

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and growing in complexity – and so are the adtech capabilities and components. Defining and understanding a clear vision for your company’s unique commerce media program is the first step for setting your business up for commerce media success.

Step #2: Evaluate Potential Partners

As you speak with potential providers, there are five key criteria to keep in mind. These criteria will help guide you through the evaluation and decision-making process, ensuring you make the best possible choice for your business, advertisers, and shoppers. When you’re ready to engage potential providers through an RFP, download and make a copy of Koddi’s RFP template. This template is included in the your download of the buyer’s guide and dives deeper into the specific questions you should ask providers to help maximize your evaluation. 

Step #3: Choose a Partner and Begin Discovery Phase

Once you have a clear understanding of the capabilities of your potential partners and have engaged them in an RFP, it’s time to choose which provider you want to work with. After you’ve made your decision and signed the contract, you’ll begin the discovery phase to align your new partner with your specific project goals and predict potential challenges. 

Step #4: Build and Test Program

After the discovery phase is completed, your partner will begin building out your commerce media program, ensuring the tech flows efficiently. The right adtech partner will test and tailor your ad program to ensure a proper market fit.

Step #5: Launch Program and Continued Iterations

A soft launch will follow your build out and testing processes, likely with a few program pilot participants. Then, you will begin a full go-to-market implementation plan. Even after your program is fully live, your partner should continue driving improvements and iterations to generate even greater program performance. The key to commerce media success is to maintain a “never finished” mentality. The right partner will continue to drive optimizations for increased success throughout the program’s lifetime.


Choosing the right adtech partner for your business is difficult. Your company deserves a partner it can count on to help you win with commerce media. Koddi has helped publishers drive billions of dollars in commerce media revenue; we know that choosing the right partner is critical to your success. It can mean the difference between creating a thriving, sustainable, high-growth business vs. just being a member of someone else’s ad network. 

Ready to learn how to navigate the commerce media landscape and ask the right questions of any adtech partner? Click here to get your copy of Commerce Media: A Buyer’s Guide.

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