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Hotel Finder Now Showing Multiple Room Rates

Published June 25, 2014 by

Hotel Finder Now Showing Multiple Room Rates

Google has changed the ad unit that is displayed on the hotel detail page of Hotel Finder. The unit now shows ads in an accordion layout. However, the biggest change is that it now shows multiple room rates for a single advertiser. Note – We are seeing this ad in the U.S. and Europe. When the page loads, it doesn’t look all that different than the earlier version. The only real difference being that the top 2 ads are stacked on top of each other.

On Page Load

Screenshot 2014-06-25 08.54.32

Show More Room Rates

Here is where the ad unit starts to really look different. Instead of the “More Rates” button which showed only the lowest room rate for the advertisers in the auction, it has been replaced with a “Show More” link. When the link is clicked, the accordion expands and shows several rates for different types of rooms. If the user wants to see all of the room rates for that advertiser they can expand it even further. Screenshot 2014-06-25 08.50.47

What It Means

It’s clear that Hotel Finder is moving closer towards personalization. Not all users are looking for the lowest priced room, and this gives them pricing transparency for all their room options before clicking the ad. It should be a better user experience for those users, and should increase conversion rates. The update also makes positioning for high value properties even more important. Advertisers in lower positions will often require scrolling for their ads to be seen –  which could impact click-throughs.

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