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New Report: How Global Events Impact Travel

Published September 26, 2018 by Leah Richardson

New Report: How Global Events Impact Travel

Travel trends across the globe are constantly in flux due to a variety of different factors including:

  • Socio-economics – including shifts in exchange rates like those seen in the U.K. after the Brexit decision;
  • The draw of different types of popular events, such as the Olympics and FIFA World Cup; and
  • The popularity of television shows and movies – the number of travelers and hotel bookings to Iceland and Croatia have significantly increased since the beginning of HBO’s Game of Thrones series.
In our first research report series, Travel Index: Event Trends (2018 Issue 01), we explored the various impacts of significant events during 2016 through the first half of 2018 to identify meaningful travel trends that impact travel marketers’ campaigns. Some of the findings aligned with our original hypotheses, such as international travel having longer booking windows than domestic travel. However, there were some surprises, including a common trend of impulse bookings for both sporting and pop culture events (regardless of the location). Furthermore, when we researched the impacts of natural disasters on travel trends, the effects were wider ranging than we had initially expected with some devastating local economies, while the impacts of others were neutral or even positive on the local economies. Throughout this report, you will not only learn the impacts of different types of events on travel trends globally but also how to take this information and act upon it to achieve your campaign and business goals. To access the full travel index, click here.

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