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Limited Offers and Wallet in Google Hotel Ads

While examining Hotel Ads today using our favorite search query we spotted a new format for Limited Offers in Google Hotel Ads which allows the user to book using Google Wallet. This is the first time we've seen this combination of technologies used together, and the first time we've seen Google Wallet on desktop. Images and a walkthrough of the entire experience after the hop...

Published April 3, 2015 by Nicholas Ward

Limited Offers and Wallet in Google Hotel Ads

Wile examining Hotel Ads today using our favorite search query we spotted a new format for Limited Offers in Google Hotel Ads which allows the user to book using Google Wallet. This is the first time we’ve seen this combination of technologies used together, and the first time we’ve seen Google Wallet on desktop.

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When clicking the first result, the user is taken a hotel details page with the Limited Offer from Tourico called out:

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On selecting the Limited Offer, the user is then taken to a booking page hosted by Google where the travel dates are confirmed, the Google Wallet account is connected, and the booking is completed:

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The checkout process is clean – similar to other Wallet experiences – and very friendly:

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And the confirmation page is another simple, clean result: Screen Shot 2015-04-03 at 4.54.53 PM

You’ll see there is a link out to Tourico at the bottom right of the screenshot above, but other than that, it’s interesting that this booking is totally completed on Google. The confirmation the user receives comes directly from Tourico. Here’s another something really interesting… the next time a user clicks a Limited Offer, the checkout process is extremely short:

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If you’re not familiar with Limited Offers, here’s what Google’s help site has to say:
Limited Offers are discounted rates on hotels advertised on Google. Limited Offers are currently in a limited test for users that have signed in with a Google account. We show them to people when they’re relevant and useful based on our booking partners’ rates and availability.

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