One of Koddi’s core values is integrity. We strive, day in and day out, to make the best possible decisions for our people, our clients, and our partners. Part of that integrity comes in the form of service to our communities. With offices spanning the globe, our community is, well…everyone.
Every year, Koddiyaks come together for days of service like no other. Partnering with strategic local charities and philanthropic organizations, we work to do the most good for the most people. Koddi hosted a Give Back Day in October; here are the highlights from across our worldwide community. Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas.
The Dallas/Fort Worth office met to help Habitat for Humanity finalize remaining work on two houses, including siding, caulking, and painting. Koddiyaks worked as a team to measure, cut, and level the siding on the house, followed by the fun part – painting it all! The team finished most of the siding on the first house in addition to getting all of the painting done on the second house.
Austin, TX Deep in the heart of Texas, Koddiyaks gathered at the Central Texas Food Bank for Give Back Day. The team spent the day together preparing and providing essential food items for the greater Austin community. In total, the team assisted in packing over 2,100 meals for Texans in need.
Ann Arbor, MI The Ann Arbor team worked with Avalon Housing, an organization that provides safe and inclusive housing communities for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. At a downtown apartment complex, Koddiyaks wielded shovels to create a border around the existing landscaping by digging up overgrown grass and weeds. The team also cleared out debris, laid gardening fabric, and winterized two large flower boxes that will be filled in with vegetables next spring for the tenants to enjoy.
New York, New York The New York office partnered with Earth Matter, an organization that performs critical composting research and community education in an effort to make composting at a household level more accessible to the local community. Koddiyaks helped associates with maintaining the composting devices by checking the temperature, noting the dampness levels, and adding more materials that needed to be broken down – all the while spreading the educational breadth of the composting movement through the city.
Denver, CO Sprout City Farms is one of Denver’s educational urban farms. Koddiyaks gathered at the organization’s community garden for Give Back Day to remove the harvested plants from the summer and fall and to prepare for the winter. This included setting up the plots for covered crops to protect them in the cold temps. The team also planted seeds to prime the garden for winter.
San Francisco, CA The COVID-19 pandemic exposed what we already knew — hunger does not affect us all equally. Now, more than ever, it’s critical to get food out to the community. In San Francisco, Koddiyaks worked with the San Francisco Marin Food Bank to pack senior boxes and grocery bags for home delivery. The team prepared over 200 boxes for individual home deliveries!
Dusseldorf, Germany The Düsseldorf office spent the afternoon collecting trash from the area surrounding the Rhine River. Koddiyaks filled several garbage bags of trash while discovering very unusual things people throw away (like bath toys – who knew?). The team left the park better than they found it, and some onlookers even stopped to thank them for helping keep shared community spaces clean and trash-free.
As Koddiyaks, it is our tremendous honor to enrich and give back to our local communities. With locations spanning the globe and our roots firmly planted in integrity and service, our Give Back Days are one of the highlights on our calendars. Do you have an idea for other ways we can serve? A suggested philanthropic partner we could work with in the future?
We welcome your recommendations, and we excitedly look forward to additional opportunities to strengthen our communities and our bonds as a team.
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