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Interesting Places AI is Being Used In Travel

Published September 26, 2016 by Rob

Interesting Places AI is Being Used In Travel

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term that is applied to an entity that mimics cognitive functions associated with human behavior. This mimicry occurs as the result of many concerted systems, each of which is tasked with processes such as learning, decision making, and language comprehension. The research and developmental efforts put forth into these systems is considerable, and the results of these efforts often push the boundaries of technology, as well as our own imaginations. Within the realm of travel, technology was one of the driving forces behind the most recent wave of innovation within the industry. Similarly, AI seems to be poised to become one of the driving forces behind another wave of innovation. However, it is still the near term, with advances in research and technology occurring on a seemingly daily basis. These advances, coupled with unpredictable business trends, make it difficult to foresee the long term impact of AI upon the travel industry. Nonetheless, AI is being used in some interesting places in travel.

AI In Messaging and Chatbots

The rising popularity of messaging applications, such as Facebook Messenger and Slack, has subsequently given rise to a secondary market of chatbots. Typically the primary purpose of a chatbot, which may or may not be embedded within a messaging application, is to provide an interaction with a user that ultimately results in an actionable outcome. The scope of this outcome can vary, either the resolution of a technical issue or the purchase of a product. Depending on the complexity of the chatbot, there may be several systems driving the application, i.e., components for processing natural language, for forming evidence-based hypothesis, and information classification. Within the travel industry, there is an ever increasing number of available chatbot applications. Each of these applications fundamentally aim to serve the same purpose of reducing the burden of travel planning upon the user.  However, in aggregate, the scope of these applications is extremely broad, ranging from offerings that focus exclusively on the business-to-business (B2B) market to offerings that retain a level of human involvement. Claire, a B2B chatbot developed by the startup 30 Seconds To Fly, focuses on automating and managing policy compliant travel for businesses. Lola [derived from the words LOngitude and LAtitude] is a service that is part chatbot and part travel agent. Through interactions with the user, Lola develops an itinerary that is presented to the user. Once the user approves an itinerary, it is forwarded to a human agent for booking. Perhaps the most currently visible AI platform is Watson. Developed by IBM, Watson has the ability to analyze large volumes of data. However, because of its systems for processing natural language, generating and testing evidenced-based hypothesis, and learning, Watson moreso mimics cognitive functions, rather than functioning as simply a powerful computer. Recently, IBM began offering Watson’s cognitive functionality to the public through a cloud-based API. Within the realm of travel, an example application of this functionality is Connie, a robot concierge at the Hilton McLean in Virginia. By making use of Watson’s available dialog, speech, and natural language application program interfaces, Connie is able to interact with guests, providing information local attractions and hotel features and amenities, as well as making dining recommendations.

Where are things going?

It is a safe assumption that research efforts in the field of AI will yield significant advances. In the near term, these advances will gradually be integrated into the underlying technologies that power offerings such as Claire, Connie, and Watson. As these advances continue to accumulate over time, the sophistication of AI-based products will also correspondingly increase. The end result is most likely that, in the long term, this level of sophistication will evolve to the point where interacting with an AI-based product is a commonplace everyday occurrence.

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