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HPAs live in New Maps, Google Maps for iPhone

Published November 22, 2013 by Nicholas Ward

We’re seeing HPAs pop up in two places that they were previously absent, the new Google Maps and Google Maps for iPhone. Previously, HPAs had been noticeably missing from both platforms, which either represent growing sources of traffic (new Maps) or established sources of traffic (Google Maps for iPhone.) Screen Shot 2013-11-22 at 7.25.03 AM

Above: HPA integration on the new Google Maps
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Above: HPA integration on the Google Maps for iPhone

This isn’t the only recent change to come to the new Maps. Earlier this month, Google released a video tour of the new product that highlighted the integration of Waze data and 3D earth tours.

Next Steps

Advertisers should expect incremental traffic from these changes, since they both represent new users. Koddi customers can already break down performance by Search Type and Device Type to dig into how these updates are affecting campaigns. We recommend looking into how much traffic is now coming from these sources and how they compare from a conversion rate perspective. Advertisers may also want to test their ads within Google Maps for iPhone to ensure that their mobile landing pages are rendering property to ensure optimal user experience.

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