When Are the Highest Value Leads Generated on Google Hotel Ads?
Published July 24, 2017 by Jordan Agajanian
When it comes to metasearch traffic, the data for determining weekly trends for your account is readily available. We wanted to take it a step further to get a better understanding of these patterns on an hourly level. So over a two-week span, we tracked hourly spend, clicks, and bookings for a sample of US focused clients on Google Hotel Ads in order to identify which hour of the day receives the highest value leads.
We expected to see spikes in click and booking volume around two times of the day:- During the typical lunch hour
- In the late afternoon/early evening (after 5:00 PM)
We used the following methods when pulling our data:- We pulled data on the hour starting at 8:00 AM and ending at 9:00 PM. *
- For the hours we did not pull live data, we estimated hourly clicks, cost, and conversions based on the given numbers evenly distributed over this time period. **
When Do Consumers Click the Most?
We found that, across our sample of American clients, our highest click volume on average was seen around 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Unsurprisingly, we see the general trend of click volume increasing throughout the day. There was an additional hour long spike around 11:00 AM as well where we saw heightened click volume (compared to the hour before and after). We believe that these trends can be attributed to consumers becoming more active online throughout the day as well as being away from work and having additional time to search. Below is a graph outlining the average clicks we saw per hour, as a percentage of the total daily average.When Do The Most Bookings Occur?
We tracked conversions per hour in order to quantify the highest booking hours of the day. Below is a graph recording average hourly bookings, shown as a percentage of the total daily average.When Do Consumers Convert Best?
With the clicks and booking volume, we were able to determine the average hourly CVR. This yields insights into what time of day consumers are most likely to convert their clicks into bookings. The following graph shows average daily CVR, broken down by the hour and compared to a baseline average rate.When Are the Highest Value Leads Generated?
Based on the average CVR, clicks, and booking volume per hour over the two weeks of pulling data, the numbers indicate that the clicks made between 5:00 and 6:00 PM CST are most likely to result in a booking. In terms of pushing for the maximum possible booking volume, we found that the greatest opportunity for you to generate bookings is between 6:00 and 7:00 PM CST. If you are looking for the maximum exposure (clicks), then you should make sure that you are ranked high between 6:00 and 7:00 PM CST. Based on the data we pulled, it is important to ensure that you are receiving appropriate levels of exposure between the hours of 5:00 and 7:00 PM CST. There are additional pockets of high-value lead generation as well between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM CST as well.What Does This Mean For Your Campaign?
If you find your campaign consistently hitting your daily budget caps, you could very well be missing out on the highest volume (or most valuable) period of the day. Across the client sample, we found that the higher-value leads were generated typically after 5:00 PM. If your campaign is exhausting its funds before these peak hours, you could be leaving conversions on the table. By focusing on the hours of the day when users are most likely to convert, you can increase the efficiency of your spend and the effectiveness of your campaign as a whole. The Koddi platform allows you to capitalize on this opportunity by adjusting your hourly bids to both take advantage of peak times and to conserve during lower-returning hours. You can push bookings by ensuring that your link is in a top position and in front of users during the times they are most likely to convert. These high-traffic hours are of huge potential value to your campaign, and utilizing Koddi’s ability to bid on an hourly level can increase the effectiveness of your efforts. It is important to note, that clicks that lead to conversions happen throughout the entire day, so it is always crucial to ensure that your campaign has a baseline level of exposure. To take your performance to the next level, we suggest considering an hourly based bidding solution that increases your exposure during peak times of the day.You may be interested in
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