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Google Testing Limited Offers On Hotel Finder

Published August 20, 2014 by

Google Testing Limited Offers On Hotel Finder
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We’ve seen Google running a handful of tests lately. Yesterday, Nicholas showed us the new search experience coming to desktop. Today, we wanted to share with you another really cool experiment we’ve noticed on Hotel Finder. As of yesterday, we’ve seen Google testing limited offers in the top promotional ad unit.

What’s Different?

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  • Percentage Off – The percentage off the standard price is featured at the top of the ad in bold
  • Limited Offer –  “Limited Offer” is used twice on the ad unit – adding urgency to the ad
  • Striked Out Standard Price – The standard price is listed above the special rate and is marked out
  • Book Now Button – The book now button takes the user directly to the advertisers site. Currently, it appears that all of these units are going to

What It Means

The size of this experiment is quite small. What’s not clear is exactly how (or if) this would be fully rolled out, how this would work with price parity agreements, or what types of targeting would be available. However, it’s exciting to see Google testing even more quickly than they have been, and to see the potential to get more targeted with meta search campaigns. Stay tuned for any updates.

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