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An Update to the New Experiments on Google Hotel Ads

Published October 26, 2017 by Taylor Pendry

An Update to the New Experiments on Google Hotel Ads

Earlier this month, we wrote about new experiments we were seeing on Google Hotel Ads. We are now possibly seeing an update to this experience where Google is using ‘Book a Room’ on the call to action button instead of ‘Reserve a Room,’ and the page displays ads when it previously showed no ads. Now there is both the direct call to action button and the normal meta ads for the selected hotel. Whereas in the most recent post we shared, users did not see ads unless they clicked on the button.

A Call to Action

Since this button appears before any ads are visible, there is a direct call to action for users when they select a hotel. This directly speaks to the intent-driven booker and could be a great benefit to the advertiser. Once the user clicks on the “Book a Room” button at the top of the ad, they are directed to the room bundles experience where they can see more ads. Once in this experience, the user is able to see all available ad offers and initiate the click to call feature as well. This could be a good reason to be in first position as it may bring improved conversion rates. Google Hotel Ads Mobile Experience It is exciting to see Google continue to improve their user experience in this way, as we have learned how important a clear call to action is on mobile. One of our studies showed that mobile websites with a call to action had a 124% higher conversion rate on average than those that did not. For further information or strategy development on Google Hotel Ads, contact your Koddi account manager or subscribe to our blog.

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