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A Day of Giving Back

Published September 18, 2018 by

A Day of Giving Back

Last Friday, September 14, marked Koddi’s first Day of Giving, a dedicated day where our team members stepped away from their screens to give back to the community through volunteer service. The event was coordinated across our offices in Fort Worth, Austin, Ann Arbor, New York, and Düsseldorf with volunteer activities scheduled throughout the day.

Food Bank Events

Our U.S. offices partnered with organizations that are tackling food insecurity and hunger in our local cities. Each group spent time at a local food bank, helping sort, inspect and package donated food items to go out to families in need. The team in New York kicked off the day at NY Common Pantry by distributing nutritious, fresh food packages to low-income families. Koddi team at the NY Common Pantry The Ann Arbor office headed out to inspect and sort donated food items at the Food Gatherers warehouse that provides direct food assistance in the form of hot meals, nutritious snacks or emergency groceries to low-income adults, seniors and children. Koddi team members at Food Gatherers in Ann Arbor In Fort Worth, employees spent time at the Tarrant Area Food Bank inspecting, sorting and packing over 10,000 lbs of donated food items that will be provided to children, families, and seniors struggling with food insecurity. The Koddi team volunteering at Tarrant Area Food Bank in Fort Worth Our newly opened Austin office ensured food donations were ready for distribution by the Central Texas Food Bank which partners with agencies in 21 counties to provide assistance to those in need. The Koddi Austin team at the Central Texas Food Bank

Rhine River Cleanup

Team members in the Düsseldorf office joined forces with more than 10,000 volunteers across 50 cities and five countries for Rhine Cleanup Day, a cross-border effort to clean up the Rhine river. Even some of the youngest members of the Koddi family came along to help with the cleanup! Koddi Gives Back at RhineCleanUp Day Volunteering is an important part of the culture here at Koddi, which is why we plan to continue giving back to our respective communities by coordinating a Day of Giving event every quarter. Interested in learning more? Follow #lifeatkoddi for a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work at Koddi.

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